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2024/06/24 園だより 2024年5月


園外保育 お買い物体験(May 8th)

Giraffe kids are looking for their seedling...which one shall they choose?
Next, let's pick out our seeds!
Thank you, DCM! It was fun shopping here.
ジラフクラスは夏野菜の苗を買いにホームセンター「DCM 美沢店」へ行きました。3グループに分かれて、キュウリ、トマト、オクラの苗を探しました。トマト、キュウリはすぐに見つけた子ども達ですが、オクラの苗探しに苦戦。注意深く商品名を見てやっと見つけることができて、一安心のジラフキッズでした。

ガーデニング(May 9th)

Before we start gardening, let's talk about what we need to do and how to do it properly!
First, let's make some deep holes in the soil.
Grow well, little seedlings!
It's important to give our sunflowers water so they will grow!

園外保育 魚釣り(May 15th)

Giraffe kids are very excited to go fishing!
If you want to catch some fish, you need bait!
We did it! Hello fish~
Giraffe kids are walking around to look for a perfect spot for lunch.
We found it! Let's eat and drink!
Even if we are tired, bus rides are fun!

親子遠足(May 17th) 

Bilingual kids started off the picnic with a quick run with their parents!
Everyone is happy to be with their parents on such a nice day!
Monkey kids hide the balls for Giraffe kids to find...hmm where will they hide them?
Giraffe kids are quick to find them! Great job!
Everyone enjoyed making something in the sand with their parents~cake, house, and more!
The fun doesn’t stop! Now, it is time to enjoy lunch all together!
睦を深めるために5月に親子遠足を実施しました。新入園児さんは初めての親子遠足です。自己紹介ではいろいろなエピソードも聞くことができ、その後の話も盛り上がりましたね。子ども達は大好きな保護者の方と一日過ごすことができ、みんなHappy smile!!

パールズ体操教室(May 20th, 27th) 

Giraffe kids stretch well before moving
Next, forward roll and penguin walk!
Monkey kids also try hard with the bear walk!
We enjoyed our first time back at Pearls Gym!

コミセンプール(May 29th) 

It's our pool day at the community center!
Who is exctied to swim and play in the water? Let's enjoy!
MSP Event in May