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2024/07/22 園だより 2024年6月


内科・歯科健診(June 4th,11th)

Where is Monkey class going?
Monkey kids were brave at Yoshida Clinic!
Giraffe class also did a great job at the clinic!
It's time for Giraffe and Monkey class dental check. Let's listen to the dentist!
Everyone had their teeth checked by the dentist. They all did an amazing job staying still and saying 'Ahhh'!
Before the dentist left, Giraffe and Monkey kids practiced how to properly brush their teeth. Wonderful job, everyone!

ジラフクラス グループ参観(June 24th~27th) 

The Giraffe class moms joined in to sing the hello song all together!
The class special helpers let everyone know about the day's schedule. Great job!
Everyone wanted a turn at speaking. Awesome!
Giraffe class used adjectives to talk about their families. Wonderful job!
It's time for movement. Everyone do the bear walk!
Parents joined lunch for the observation week. What a special meal!


It has been very hot these days...so let's play with water!
Let's not forget the plants. They're hot, too!
Uh-oh! The kids got the teachers!
Everyone loves splashing around in the pool!
Giraffe and Monkey kids also love splashing water on each other~
Monkey kids all fit inside the pool! How fun!
MSPの園庭でのプール(水遊び)が始まりました!冷たい水に飛び込む子ども達。”It's cold"と言いながらも、積極的に水を頭からかぶる子もいて、みんな大騒ぎです。お友達と水鉄砲で打ち合ったり、隅っこで濡れないように遊んだりと各々が楽しんでいました。これから気温も高くなります。楽しい水遊びができるよう、安全に気を付けて行ってまいります。

モンキークラス給食参観日 (June 27th)

Moms and Dads enjoyed lunch with Monkey kids during the observation. What a special day!
モンキークラスの子供たち、楽しいParkタイムが終わって教室に帰ってきたら・・・なんと部屋には大好きなお母さんやお父さんがいました!!サプライズ大成功!帽子や水筒の片付けやトイレ、手洗いも済ませて、ランチの準備もバッチリです。さぁ、親子で一緒に楽しいランチの時間の始まりです。いつも以上に笑顔でモリモリ食べていたね。Younger kidsにとっては初めての給食参観でした。お家の人も「家ではこんなに食べないのに」「ちゃんと食べていて驚きました」と新しい発見もあったようです。ご参加ありがとうございました。

ジラフクラス消防署見学 (June 28th)

Giraffe kids went on a trip to the fire station.
The room is filled with smoke! We need to find the exit!
The Giraffe kids tried to put out the fire. The water was very strong!
The firefighter told us all about the fire engine.
What an exciting experience! We learned a lot of important things.

ジラフクラス 体験学習

Giraffe class' sunflowers are growing well!
The tomatoes are growing, but they are not quite ready yet.
But there is a vegetable that is ready...let's check.
Special helpers picked this cucumber and it is ready to eat!
The okra is growing and soon we will be able to eat them!
MSP Event in June
6月9日に梅雨入りをし、雨の日が続きます。”Rain, rain, go away♪”と雨の歌を歌って、雨が止むのを待ちわびる子どもたち。雨合には散歩や公園に行って、梅雨ならではの遊びを楽しみます。水たまりに入って、"Look! Splash!"とはしゃいでいると、長靴の中にまで水が入ってびしょ濡れになるのを楽しんだり、濡れた芝生は滑りやすいことを発見したり、カタツムリやナメクジを見つけたり、雨上がりの遊び方を全身で満喫しています。