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2025/01/27 園だより 2025年12月


クリスマスツリー飾り (December 2nd) 

Before we decorate the tree, let's listen to a story first.
It's time to shop for the decorations we want! Which one do you like?
So much shiny tinsel! Let's make it colorful!
Merry Christmas from Bilingual class and their festive Christmas tree!

クリスマスリサイタル リハーサル(December 6th, 13th)

Giraffe older kids are practicing hard for their performance! What song will they play... ?
Monkey kids are dressed like animals. Can you guess what their play will be about?
Pancakes! Let's party!
This big, bad wolf is huffing and puffing! HUFF! PUFF!

クリスマスリサイタル(December 15th) 

The curtains are going up soon. Giraffe kids are ready!
These cute cats can arch their backs! What can you do?
Here we have so many animals. What animal do you like?
It's time for younger kids...pancake party!
Oh no! Who is coming? It's the big, bad pigs! Hide!
Wait... they're big, nice pigs! Wow!
Bilingual kids wish you a Merry Christmas!
待ちに待ったクリスマスリサイタルの日がやってきました。子どもたちは、ドキドキワクワクしながら会場にやってきました。まずは、ジラフクラスによる合奏"Jingle Bells、次にモンキークラスの劇”From Head To Toe”、ジラフクラス年中児による劇”The Gingerbread Boy"、年長児による劇”Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pigs"、最後に全員で”Santa Claus is Coming to Town"を歌いました。練習の成果を十分に出し切り、劇を成功させ、本番が終わった後には、達成感に満ちた表情を見せてくれました。

三葉幼稚園もちつき大会(December 19th) 

It's time to pound the mochi the traditional way. Fun!
Let's roll, roll, roll, the mochi!
Now we are all done coating them with kinako powder!
Giraffe kids do their best to finish their lunch! They can also take home the mochi they made. Delicious!

Big Fun Day(December 20th) 

Wow, it's the last day of 2024! Giraffe and Monkey kids are spending a big fun day together!
Why are Monkey kids covering their eyes and counting? Giraffe kids must be hiding...ready or not, here we come!
Of course, we have to play one of our favorite games... musical chairs! I like to move it, move it!
Let's make a tall tower for big fun day!
Before the day ends, everyone gets a delicious treat with the help of the older Giraffe kids... it's trifle time!
Cake, whipping cream, fruit sauce, yogurt, and fruits! We want more, please!
2学期の最終日は"Big Fun Day"!! ジラフクラスとモンキークラス合同のお楽しみ会をみんな楽しみにまっていました。一緒に公園に行ってかくれんぼをしたり、ランチを一緒に食べて、次にいす取りゲームで大盛り上がり。午後のおやつは、大好きなトライフル作りです。年長さんがカップに材料を入れてくれて、みんなでおいしくいただきました。ペロリと食べたバイリンガルキッズです。また次回が楽しみだね♪
MSP Event in December