What is MSP?English

TOP > What is MSP?English

PhilosophyPhilosophy of MSP

Miki Study Pals International School (abbreviated MSP) is an English language school that incorporates ” immersion education programs,” which provides infants to high school students with childcare and education only in English. Based on the strong desire of the school president’s to “establish a school where kids can learn practical English even in a less urban setting,” it was established in 2001 as the first international pre-school in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture. Currently, we offer ” the environment that allows children to immerse themselves in English” mainly to Japanese children who speak English as a second language, however, we are expanding the door to foreign children who speak English as their primary language. With the aim of “useful English” under various program developments, many children are trying to acquire English with nearly the same proficiency as that of native speakers while simultaneously acquiring Japanese, their native language.

Immersion Education?What is ” Immersion Education?”

MSP implements an English teaching style that fosters genuine communication skills, which is completely different from the framework of school English. We educate children in the ability to communicate in English. The word “immersion” expresses the idea of fully immersing oneself in something. Immersion education does the same thing, placing a child in a completely English environment so that the student isn’t just learning English, but USING it as well. That is widely recognized as a bilingual teaching method. MSP provides practical guidance to enable children to communicate in English by allowing children to learn in an only – English environment, and to communicate in English even among Japanese children.

International PreschoolAs an International Preschool

Currently, it is difficult for an individually owned English language school to gain the acceptance of the country as an educational facility. So most of them have a tendency to stick their students in a room all day. However, MSP was built just like a house with a back yard, so that children can play safely and healthily. In addition, our location was chosen because of the large park that is only a three-minute walk from school. We hope kids can learn English more freely and naturally.

Some might feel that trips outside the classroom, etc. are not necessary to learn English. However, during early childhood, when kids are learning and developing quickly, we believe being stuck inside just looking at English is not so good for stimulating young minds. So it is our hope that kids can learn English through the various fun experiences at our school just like they do in a regular Japanese kindergarten. At MSP, children enjoy the experience of venturing outside the classroom, and are encouraged to use only English, guided by our foreign teachers and nursery staff. Our classes are small, and emphasize each student’s independence while encouraging everyone to participate. Children will enjoy old Japanese fairy tales, children’s’ stories, and learn manners. They’ll also celebrate Tanabata, and the Hina Matsuri, while experiencing western traditions such as Halloween and Christmas parties.

We would like kids to have a sense of being Japanese while giving them opportunities to experience both Western and Japanese cultures. In addition, it is one of the features of MSP that Japanese childcare workers (Kindergarten-licensed childcare workers) are always at school with native teachers. Though everything is done in English in the classroom, the experienced nursery staff play an important role especially when children may need to communicate in Japanese outside the classroom by listening to and talking to them in Japanese. The experienced nursery staff will carefully respond to each kid so that the child can grow up to be thoughtful and cooperative. They also talk to kids’ parents in person and help solve worries about parenting.
MSP develops and practices its own original curriculums that combines Japanese-kindergarten-modeled childcare and Western-kindergarten modeled English education.

SignificanceSignificance of MSP

It goes without saying that children are a treasure to their parents. As they wish for their children to have a bright future, the best thing we can do now is to provide the environment in which children can learn both enthusiastically and freely. As you dream of your child as an adult 10 to 20 years from now, we hope MSP can be one of the best investments you make for your child’s future. We believe that your kids will be grateful for the opportunity.

AboutMiki Study Pals Ltd.

Company Name Miki Study Pals International School
School Name Miki Study Pals International School
Chief Executive officerMiki Nakagawa
Number of StudentsApproximately 520
(including infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, elementary, junior, high school students, and adults)
Number of Instructors12 Foreign Teachers
19 Japanese Teachers
5 Japanese Nursery Staff
Total 36名
Location:(Chuo School)Ehime-Prefecture, Matsuyama-city, Chuo1-12-15
Location:(Yamagoe School)Ehime-Prefecture, Matsuyama-city, Yamagoe-6-2-8 1F-Karosu-Bldg.
HP addresshttps://miki-sp.com/

HistoryCompany History

March 2001 Miki Study Pals Co., Ltd. is established / Classrooms in Asami, Matsuyama City are set up / School is renamed to Miki Study
Since its opening of the Miki Language House in April 1996, it becomes a school with 200 students and 8 instructors in 6 years
June 2001 The first pre-school class of 0-3 years old (pre-school kindergarten) in Matsuyama is opened
Summer schools and spring schools for kindergarten and primary school students are also offered for the first time in Matsuyama
More than 100 children participate in the first year
April 2002The first international class (Saturday Camp) for elementary school children who lived abroad starts.
April 2004 School is relocated to a new building, Central 1-chome classroom / It is renamed to Miki Study Pals International School
The first 5-day pre-school classes in Matsuyama start
After-school immersion classes for kindergarten children also start
April 2008Elementary bilingual courses for bilingual class graduates start
April 2012ESL classes (immersion style) for children start
Learning English after entering elementary school starts
April 2013 Overnight camp for bilingual classes starts
Summer elementary overnight camp for bilingual class graduates starts
April 2014Junior High Giraffe Class for Elementary Giraffe Class graduates starts.
June 2015The MSP Bilingual Class are registered as a licensed daycare facility (Local nursery school) by Matsuyama City.
April 2016High school Giraffe class for junior high Giraffe class graduates starts.
April 2019The MSP open an English cram school for elementary, junior high and high school students at Calos building.(Yamagoe school)

From school directorGreetings from Chief Executive Officer

The representative of MSP Miki Nakagawa

Graduate of Foreign Studies from Kyoto University. worked for 8 years as school director for a large English conversation company. worked for 2 years a major trading company in New York City. A master interpersonal communicator among children and adults. Moved to Matsuyama after marriage and opened the first early English education school. She is also a mother of 2 children.


Recently, the need for English education is getting higher following the rise in people working overseas, the inclusion of English in elementary schools, and the proliferation of international preschools, the demand for bilingual education is growing rapidly, but unfortunately Japan’s current cumulative English level isn’t very high. However, young children’s ability to learn is limitless. For those mothers and fathers who would like their child to learn English in the same way as native children, and believe in the promise of their child’s future, please visit us at MSP.

AccessChuo School
(0– 6 years old)

(Chuo School) 〒791-8015 Ehime-Prefecture, Matsuyama-city, Chuo1-12-15 (TEL:089-923-7660)

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AccessYamagoe School
(6–18 years old)

(Yamagoe School) 〒791-8013 Ehime-Prefecture, Matsuyama-city, Yamagoe-6-2-8 1F-Karosu-Bldg. (TEL:089-909-8370)

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Parking guideParking lot

TeachersMSP staff

The 36 staff and faculty of MSP dedicate themselves 100 percent to your child’s bilingual education.

classes are formed with a native English speaker as the main teacher. In addition, our bilingual teachers also have a great deal of experience in English-langauge environments and speak fluently. Our nursery staff has lots of experience working at Japanese kindergartens and many have their own children. As of 2017, we have 5 Japanese staff with nusery school qualifications, 11 foreign teachers, and 19 Japanese bilingual teachers.

2019 staff:USA, Australia, England, Slovakia, Philippines, Russia, Argentina, Canada, Ghana
